PTE Stands for “Pearson Test of English"

It is an English language test for international study and immigration. It was developed by Pearson PLC's Person Language Tests and is endorsed by GMAC ® (Graduate Management Admission Council), the GMAT ®'s owners (Graduate Management Admission Test)

There are two versions of the PTE: PTE Academic and PTE Home

PTE Academic is a computer-based exam that focuses on academic English in real-life situations. Students will hear a variety of dialects and academic language used in higher education institutions in English-speaking countries throughout the test.

PTE Home is the most efficient, fair, and convenient option for those seeking for a family or settlement visa. The UK Home Office has approved Secure English Language Tests (SELT).

PTE Academic is accepted by universities in the USA, UK, Australia, Ireland, Singapore, Canada, New Zealand, France, Germany, Spain, Italy and amongst other.

The PTE Test Structure

The PTE Academia test comprises of four Modules – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The Speaking and Writing module evaluates the exam taker's entire communication skills. The test taker's hearing skills are assessed in the Listening module, while his or her reading skills are assessed in the Reading module.

Total Test Duration 3 hours

The test is completed in a single three-hour session. Three timed portions, a brief untimed introduction, and a 10-minute break are all included in the test.

An PTE result is valid for two years.

Speaking and Writing Reading Listening
77 - 93 minutes 32 - 41 minutes 45 - 57 minutes

PTE Academic Score and What it Means?

85 - 90 Very Good User Has a good understanding of almost everything he or she hears or reads. Has compiled data from a variety of oral and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts into a logical presentation. Has the ability to explain himself or herself in a natural, fluid, and accurate manner, distinguishing finer shades of meaning even in more complex settings.
76 - 84 Good User Has the ability to comprehend a wide range of challenging, longer texts and to discern implicit meaning. Has the ability to communicate himself/herself fluently and spontaneously without having to look for expressions. Has demonstrated the ability to use language in a flexible and effective manner for social, intellectual, and professional goals. Has written literature on complex issues that is clear, well-structured, and thorough, with careful use of organizational patterns, linkages, and cohesive devices.
59 - 75 Competent User Has grasp the essential points of a difficult text on both tangible and abstract issues, including technical talks in his or her field of expertise. Has C interact with native speakers with a level of conversational fluency and spontaneity that allows for frequent interaction without strain for both parties. Has write clear, extensive language on a variety of topics and convey a point of view on a current situation, including the benefits and drawbacks of alternative options.
43 - 58 Modest User Has a clear understanding of the major points of clear standard input on topics that are frequently met in work, education, leisure, and other settings. Has dealt with the majority of circumstances that are likely to emerge while visiting a country where the language is spoken. Has created basic linked text on issues that are known or personal to him. Has briefly described experiences and occurrences, as well as dreams, desires, and ambitions, as well as given reasons and explanations for his or her opinions and plans.
30 - 42 Limited User Has a good understanding of words and commonly used terminology in areas of urgent importance (e.g., very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Has communicated in simple and ordinary jobs that require a straightforward and easy exchange of information on familiar and routine topics. Has described portions of his/her background, immediate environment, and matters of immediate necessity in basic terms.
10 - 29 Extremely Limited User Has a basic understanding of and ability to employ ordinary language and phrases focused at meeting specific needs. Has the ability to introduce himself and others, as well as ask and answer questions regarding personal data such as where he lives, who he knows, and what he owns. Has to interact in a straightforward manner if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to assist.

Score Comparison to IELTS

PTE Academic 23 29 36 46 56 66 76 84 89 N/A
IELTS 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0

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PTE Academic Test NPR. 23,500
PTE Home NPR. 23,500

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